We believe all small business owners should have access to the same elevated visuals as major brands to help them sell. Our latest collection, Ballet Pink, was created with you in mind!
These feminine brand images are inspired by ballerina perfection. Featuring our all-time favorite member hue—soft, blushy pinks, this collection is a gorgeous round up for feminine brands. From lifestyle imagery, to perfectly lit studio imagery this collection will surely elevate your brand. Furthermore, this brand image collection features desktop & flatlay imagery, tech imagery, milestone imagery, florals, beautiful ballerina’s and more! Everything you need to create a stunning brand presence using stock photos.
With this Ballet Pink collection, we’re bringing you brand images that compliment your brand. With this in mind, if your brand uses images that are soft, dreamy and feminine, this set of brand images is perfect for you.
Our Ballet Pink stock photos are perfect for brands that want to convey themes of:
- Creative brainstorming
- Working remote
- Workspace
- Work from home
- Spring to summer transition
- Celebrating milestones
- Quote card backgrounds
- Journaling
- Blogging
- Visually pink brands
- Feminine brands
- And so much more
These Ballet Pink brand images are perfect for your social media. They also work well as background images for your website banners and buttons. As well as perfect as brand images within your digital courses.
Users have found that our elevated brand images help convert well on Pinterest and will keep people reading on your blog. All these scroll stopping brand images can be yours for your digital marketing! Freshen up your brand today and be proud of the way you show up online.
Join the leading styled stock membership for female brands.

We understand business owners might feel overwhelmed at the prospect of choosing a stock image provider, so we’re making it easy to understand the Social Squares difference.
- First, we stand behind the quality and caliber of every beautiful visual in our meticulously curated catalog. And we guarantee our high standards — we deliver images that are the same quality (or higher) than the ones used by major brands.
- Second, we respect and embrace the variety of small businesses that need polished, consistent visuals to help them stand out in the digital marketplace. That’s why we’ve curated our catalog to represent a more diverse collection of categories and industries, as well as usability across a wide range of platforms.
- Third, we stand above the rest because of our curation expertise. This includes the unique usability of our visuals and our guidance on how to best use them to elevate any brand.
At Social Squares we are pleased to offer small business owners the following benefits through membership with Social Squares:
- Gain access to our meticulously curated catalog of over 6,000 elevated visuals, including lifestyle, mockup, and flatlay images
- Receive 30 customizable Instagram caption templates each month
- Collect over 100 fresh images added to our catalog each month
- Find the right image faster with your brand color palette and keywords with Custom Curation
- Join our exclusive Facebook community
- BONUS: When you become a Social Squares member, you’ll get instant access to our Digital Marketing Essentials guides, videos and live group coaching calls
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